Way of the Quality Warrior

Way of the Quality Warrior

The tools and concepts of Quality are powerful instruments to make things better--products, processes, and services. This podcast explores those ideas plus concepts of psychology, social and cultural norms, strategy, and business to strengthen the capability of professionals motivated to make things better--the Quality Warriors.

The host is Keith Fong who is a Six Sigma Master Black Belt, Shainin Red X Master, and Robust Engineering Coach. He has over 20 years as a quality and continuous improvement practitioner, teacher, and coach. He has supported functions ranging from Engineering and Manufacturing to Finance and Human Resources internal to his employer and at suppliers and customers.

Recent Episodes

March 8, 2024

Two Obstacles to Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement is predicated on problem solving, you're closing a gap between the current state and an ideal state. However, problem solving, thus continuous improvement, is often not that successful, especially if y…
Nov. 6, 2023

Poor Quality Crashes Companies

Your company is called the Tesla or Apple of your market. You've gotten more investment capital than any other company in your market. The product you sell has a long waiting list of customers. You must be making money hand …
Oct. 12, 2023

Where are the X-ray Glasses?

In the previous episode, I proposed that seeing the world through the lens of process is a superpower. However, you have to develop the superpower—it's not like Spiderman getting bitten by a radioactive spider. In this episo…
Aug. 31, 2023

Everything is a process

Attending a high school honor society induction ceremony for my niece, I was witness to how a group of students organized and executed a process. Something they had experienced themselves and which they took ownership for th…
July 27, 2023

The Fundamental Defects In Quality Methods Training

What if the most common training practices in your field actually undermine the topic you're teaching? In Quality, we have exactly that situation in training the tools and methods of Quality. In this episode of the Way of th…
June 29, 2023

Parallels of Addiction Treatment and Continuous Improvement

The work of a Quality Warrior is much more than the Quality and Continuous Improvement tools like Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, Design of Experiments, process behavior charting, and problem solving, to list a few. The …

About the Host

Keith Fong Profile Photo

Keith Fong

Quality Warrior / Problem Solving Teacher & Coach

Since I was a child, I have been drawn to design and system optimization. Of course, I didn't have language to express that when I was a child. I loved airplanes so I read books and built models and imagined how I would design them and the design choices and tradeoffs I might make.

When I went to college, I earned bachelors degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Metallurgical Engineering aspiring to work in the aerospace industry. However, I got a co-op job with the Saginaw Division of General Motors Corporation. I was exposed to manufacturing, competitive analysis, vehicle testing, product design, and advanced development in an environment that gave students real engineering practice. And I discovered how competitive and advanced the industry was. I loved it.

I went to grad school to earn my Masters Degree in Mechanical Engineering with the idea that I would continue on to earn a PhD and become a college professor. I very quickly realized that academia was not for me. Academia is competitive, but not in a way that appealed to me. I wanted to be in the cleansing fire of a competitive marketplace where people vote with their pocketbooks.

Graduate school actually was my first experience with continuous improvement tools. My thesis advisor was an empiricist and proposed studying a lot of factors in ceramics processing. Using traditional one factor at a time practices, it would take several years to complete the research and graduate.

I had heard of Design of Experiments and proposed that to my advisor. He wasn't familiar with it, … Read More